CS 373 Spring 2021: Blog 3/1–3/7

Tejas Karuturi
2 min readMar 8, 2021


  1. What did you do this past week?

This past week I worked on Phase 1 for Software Engineering along with my Artificial Intelligence assignment. I’m glad that I was able to get those projects out of the way for now so that I can have a breather before moving on to the next few projects.

2. What’s in your way?

Right now, I have some readings and minor homework to take care of for other classes. I also have a quiz to prepare for in another class, which I haven’t yet studied for or even looked at because of the amount of project work I had last week and the week before. I plan to get those done as soon as possible.

3. What will you do next week?

Next week I will try to complete all my minor assignments. I will also try to get a head start on some of the major projects I have coming up next. Spring break is coming up, so I might also search for time to relax doing what I enjoy.

4. If you read it, what did you think of the Open-Closed Principle?

I thought that it was an interesting read. Something I realized with the Open-Closed Principle is that we don’t want to change certain methods when we add new objects or subclasses. As long as we have general methods that cover the objects, then nothing needs to be changed.

5. What was your experience of iterators and reduce2?

I liked going over iterators and reduce2 in class. I realized that the list and the iterator of that list cannot be equal because they point to a different address. The hackerrank exercises were pretty cool because we got to look at exceptions for reduce and how to handle those exceptions.

6. What made you happy this week?

Something that made me happy is that I finished some major projects this week so that way I can relax for a little bit. Another thing is my brother’s birthday is this week, so I will be happy to celebrate it with him if he is home.

7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

When I was working on Phase 1, I realized that my commit username was different on gitlab. In order to fix that issue, run the following commands:

git config — global user.name <Gitlab Username>

git config — global user.email <Gitlab Email>

( — global is a space after config)

I ran those commands and I got the username I wanted for the commits to the gitlab repository.



Tejas Karuturi
Tejas Karuturi

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